jueves, 5 de julio de 2012

Learn javascript as a little schemer

I recently found a blogpost talking about javascript prototypes in a very funny and uncommon way. It was funny to read, easy to follow, and high on insights. Out of the sudden, something clicked in my brain, and I thought:

 - Aha!, I've seen this way of explaining things in some other place! It's like the Little Schemer (and all the schemers collection (which I haven't read (yet)))!

 Then, I checked other posts on the same blog, and most articles follow the same socratic experience of explaining things.

 Really, it's funny, and it builds up on you.

 Well, and here's the url of the blog. Kudos to AngusCroll (author), you have a new blog follower.

EDIT: I just found another instersting post for js wannabies like me. Simpler, but interesting read

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